BSF jawan lynched in Gujarat for protesting against daughter’s video: seven arrested

A Border Security Force (BSF) jawan was beaten to death in Gujarat’s Nadiad after he protested against the circulation of an obscene video of his 15-year-old daughter. 

The Jawan’s daughter and the boy have been attending the same school and were in a relationship sources said. But the boy had posted an obscene video of the girl in the internet. Gaining knowledge of the situation The CSF Jawan along with this family had confronted the boy’s family at their house.

Sources said that the man along with his wife Manjulben, their son Navdeep and nephew Chirag had gone to the boy’s house, who supposedly posted the video online, on Saturday where he was attacked by the boy’s Family.

Nadiad Division DySP Vimal Vajpai told media, “On Saturday night Vaghela and family had gone to the boy’s house in Vanipur village of Kheda district, where he was attacked by the boy’s family. They forced him to delete the video but in vain.”

“When BSF Jawan and his family reached to Jadav’s house, his father and six other family members attacked Vaghela and his son on their heads with a stick and sickle. Manjulaben also suffered injuries. We arrested all seven accused and produced them in court, where all were sent to judicial custody,” he added.

Boy’s Family members who were arrested

DySP further said, “A case was registered against the boy and his family members for murder, attempt to murder, unlawful assembly, unlawful assembly with comment intent to commit offense, rioting and armed deadly weapon,”

Melaji Vaghela was a constable at Gandhinagar. He was on leave for some personal work. We the department came to know about the incident that happened in his hometown, they have started to investigate the matter. 

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