Government school teacher suspended for caning class I student near Chidambaram

School Education Department of Tamil Nadu government on Wednesday placed a teacher of a primary school at Kumaratchi near Chidambaram of Cuddalore district under suspension for corporal punishment on a Class 1 student.

Kannagi, the school teacher was seen thrashing a class I boy with a cane on his head and hand, multiple times. The video clip shows the teacher looking into her mobile phone and asking the boy to do addition and subtraction on his slate.

Chief Educational Officer of Cuddalore district, M. Ramakrishnan said that the teacher was placed under suspension pending inquiry. He, however, said that no complaints have been lodged against the teacher by the parents of the child and that they had asked the teacher to reprimand the child.

It may be noted that the DMK government led by late M. Karunanidhi had banned corporal punishment in schools in 2007. This was following recommendation from Muthukrishnan Commission.

The Cuddalore district education department will be sending a circular to all schools in the district against the caning of students by school teachers.

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