Governor releases Tamil version of PM’s book ‘Exam Warriors’

Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi released the Tamil version of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s book Exam Warriors at the Governor’s House in Guindy today (January 17). Kamakody, director of IIT Chennai received the first copy.

Speaking on the occasion, Governor RN Ravi said, “Our Prime Minister is a different person. He has gone through difficult situations. He lived in villages with common people and went through all kinds of situations. Not growing up safe. Who is ruling our country? Not by me or those in office like me. Because of students and youth like you. You are like a rock.

By showing your talent you will become a beautiful sculpture. It looks rough from the outside. Once it is exposed, its value is known. Believe in yourself. Banyan seed is small. But, it is the one that grows into the big tree.

Likewise, you should develop and grow your skills. A young man or woman not progressing in life is not only their loss, but the nation’s loss. If you don’t grow up realizing your worth, it’s your loss too. Loss to your parents too. A loss to this country too.

Selection alone does not finalize anything. Students try to commit suicide due to stress and anxiety due to exam fear. It’s very cruel. So, smile when you see the exam paper. If it’s hard, smile more. That is what helped me in the UPSC exam,” he said.

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