25th annual sports meetheld at Rosily School, Chitlapakkam

The 25th annual sports meet of Rosily Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Chitlapakkam was held recently. Hari Krishnan A, Joint Commissioner Of Income Tax, International Volley Ball player, was the chief guest.

The event kick started with flag hoisting by the school correspondent, J Vitto Placka. The principal, D Jothy Ramya welcomed the gathering.

The show rolled on with the cultural events. The band, karate and yoga demos were also performed by the students.

The children truly felt the excitement of the day, during the on-track events.

The winners of the events were crowned by the chief guest of the day.

An event exclusively for the Rosily parents was also conducted.

Finally, the chief guest addressed the young parents, highlighting on the most sensitive topics: self discipline, integrity and fitness.

The meet on the whole was a package of sports & cultural display with a take-home note from the chief guest’s address on the importance of integrity, identifying one’S talent and honing it to bring laurels to the school.


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