Children from Madambakkam take up garbage disposal issue

Children of Shridi Sai Nagar met Shree Bharath Vidyashram School’s principal Bhubathy and gave a petition and requested for the proper disposal of garbage near the school premises.

The team led by Sharvesh, VIII Std, and Jaswin VI Std prepared the letter and had a signature campaign from last week. They led the kid’s team of Sai, III Std, Vaithi, XI Std, Sailesh IX Std, and Vetri, VI Std, Muthu, X Std and met the principal, explained the concerns, and brought him out for the spot visit.

After his visit, Bhubathy assured the kids’ team that he will take necessary action and arrive at a permanent solution for the same.

Members of the Federation Of Residents’ Welfare Association lauded the kids who were involved in the social awareness campaign.

The members also appreciated the parents and SSN Association for bringing up their kids with social responsibility.


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